Your input is not just valued, but required

Listen, we’d love nothing more than to stay in our cave and develop beautiful websites in complete isolation, while our generous patrons send us large sums of money with no strings attached. But life doesn’t work that way — as it turns out, your perspective, feedback and creativity is a key component in making a website that works for *your* business.


Your brand isn’t a template, you website shouldn’t be either

We’re going to go out on a limb and assume your business has *some* form of distinctive quality — whether it’s a competitive advantage, unique offer, or exceptional customer experience. Your website should be an extension of that — amplifying your strengths, reinforcing your brand, and keeping your competition up at night.


Presi Plain Jane

You’ve heard the saying - sometimes less is more. We love pulling out all the stops and getting flashy. But that’s not always the right thing to do. Sometimes it even kills the value of your end product. Stage of the business, available budget, time constraints, user expectations. All important factors. Don’t try to put on a bust down when you need a plain jane.


A Good company isn’t always good company

We’ve worked with a lot of clients. The clients that are great companies on paper aren’t always great people to work with. Business is vibes and attitude. And when your attitude sucks, so will your project. We value working with teams that are pleasant, reasonable, down to have fun, and fully human.


The ball is (almost) always in our court

We’ve developed an embarrassing amount of websites and in all our years we’ve not once encountered a team who employs a dedicated Web Developer Babysitter™. So we had to adapt — by taking a full-ownership approach to development. No hot potato, no ambiguity — just us inheriting all the project management stress so you can focus on your actual job.


Sticks & stones will break our bones, but words will only mildly hurt us

Having your dreams crushed is a right of passage for a web developer — it’s the nature of doing creative collaboration at high-stakes. This is why we encourage a culture of candor — be direct, be clear and make sure your thoughts and feelings are heard — because you’re far too busy to be second-guessing the number of friendly “!’s” in your feedback.


Solutions are tradeoffs

People are obsessed with offering “solutions”. We’re more interested in “tradeoffs”. We’re realistic in our approach to problem solving - every choice has its benefits, costs, and often unseen consequences. Perfect solutions just don’t exist. We’re not saying business is zero sum. Like a healthy relationship, healthy businesses depend on compromise and tradeoffs. These tradeoffs must be weighed up front.


The Neo Approach

We’ve put in our 10,000 hours. We know our crafts. We learn our crafts well so we can say fu*k rules and rituals when the time is right. Why embrace breaking rules? Operate fast under pressure. Stay nimble in a fast changing world. Embrace more human experiences rooted in randomness and creativity.


If it doesn’t make dollars it doesn’t make sense

Let’s get one thing straight — we’re all trying to pay the bills here. A business is like a family until revenue takes a dive and it becomes HR Hunger Games. We treat your business like our baby, and your customers like our boss — because the ultimate goal is to drive business impact, reduce costs, attract customers and build a protective moat around your brand.


Good work requires hard work, but we can still have fun doing it

You don’t want to find yourself in a fox hole with someone who’s annoying. Despite having an All-Business™ approach, we think the human aspect is just as important. We don’t cover-our-ass or nit-pick on scope or have passive aggressive debates over email — we have candid conversations, we embrace healthy conflict, and we convert effort into enthusiasm


Worship at the alter of revision

Hate to break it to you - nailing your vision on the first shot just isn’t going to happen. Our personal projects alone take us multiple tries. That’s why we worship revisions. Clarity and results come with time. Give the ideas room to breathe and embrace the process.

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